The Nephilim Assignment

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17th Century or Earlier,1940s & '50s,2000s,Across Centuries


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Submision Type



Set in present day, a dying ex-Nazi officer confesses to a top secret experiment performed during the war. When the war ended the children used in the experiment were left behind. A unique team go on a quest to discover what became of them.


Adventure,Epic,Fantasy,Religious,Mystery,Sci-fi,War,Historical Fiction,Suspense/Thriller,Romance

Short Summary

Steve Garrett, an ardent reporter for a local newspaper, has a special assignment to interview a dying ex-Nazi Officer - Viktor Otto-Wolff - who had been stationed at Ravensbruck Concentration Camp during WWII. In Otto-Wolff's dying breaths he confesses to the formulation of a top-secret serum.


London, Ravensbruck/Germany

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Quest,Voyage and Return

Plot - Other Elements

Twist,Meaningful Message

Mature Audience Themes

Information not completed

Main Character Details

Name: Steve Garrett

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Adventurous,Aspiring,Charming,Confident,Decisive,Empathetic,Engaging,Heartthrob,Honorable,Sarcastic,Romantic,Outspoken,Masculine

Additional Character Details

Name: The Nephilim - A civilisation hidden from the world

Age: various

Gender: Other

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Aspiring,Charming,Empathetic,Engaging,Gracious,Educated,Honorable,Strong Moral Code,Visionary,Religious

Additional Character Details

Name: Ellia Addario

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Role: protagonist

Key Traits: Badass,Charming,Adventurous,Aspiring,Complex,Confident,Decisive,Empathetic,Engaging,Educated,Honorable,Leader,Manipulative,Sophisticated,Seductive,Secretive,Sarcastic,Romantic,Visionary,Skillful,Outspoken,Power Hungry,Patriotic

Additional Character Details

Name: Hannetta Borowski (Nickname: Mala-Sroka- Polish for Little Magpie)

Age: 88

Gender: Female

Role: protagonist

Key Traits: Aspiring,Adventurous,Charming,Complex,Confident,Decisive,Empathetic,Engaging,Gracious,Educated,Honorable,Leader,Sophisticated,Visionary,Skillful,Funny,Outspoken,Selfless,Religious

About The Author

A.S.George is a fresh new author who is passionate and enthusiastic to debut the first instalment of her fiction trilogy 'The Nephilim Assignment'. She has worked her entire adult life within the Health Care Industry and has used her medical knowledge to blend together factual historical events with a fictional story of 'what-if's'. Steve Garrett, an ardent reporter for a local newspaper, has a special assignment to interview a dying ex-Nazi Officer - Viktor Otto-Wolff - who had been stationed at Ravensbruck Concentration Camp during WWII. In Otto-Wolff's dying breaths he confesses to the formulation of a top-secret serum, used on the child prisoners, to create Hitler's ambition of owning a super race of people. He tells Steve when the war ended, the children were left behind. Steve becomes a part of a unique group of people on a quest to discover what became of these precious and forgotten children. Enwrapped in a world of mysterious bunkers, tunnels, Lily-Code markers, treasure hunting, conspiracies, Dead Sea scrolls and a hidden nation right under the modern Earth's satellites; Steve and the team unravel a world they would give their lives to protect. "Some secrets are generations old, it's not about pretending we don't exist, it's about the consequences if the world knows that we do..." What if... you met somebody by complete chance? What if... that person shared with you a secret that could profoundly affect the entire world? What if... you were the only person to know the secret? What if... the secret takes you on a journey so vast, you discover it spans 2000 years? What if... the secret was so unthinkable and so precious, you would give your life to protect it?

Target Audiences

Age: 13-17,18-34,35-54,55+

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Publisher: Amazon

Year Published: 2021

Hard Copy Available
