Ambassador #5

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Bill Hartnett

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Four US Ambassador have been murdered. CIA director Bailey assigns his top investigator Blake Parker to solve this crime before the next Ambassador is killed. She recruits an old CIA friend who has been a ghost since completing a very high-level assignment in the Middle East.



Short Summary

Blake Parker searches for a friend of hers, a top CIA agent who has disappeared and presumed dead. She has a lead. He agrees to help her on this and recruits a computer expert friend of his. They go to Spain to begin the investigation and it leads them to other locations: Europe and the Middle East.


Washington, DC., Madrid, Spain, Athens, Greece, and Beirut, Lebanon.

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Overcoming Monster/Villain,Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Happy Ending,Philosophical Questions,Meaningful Message,Twist

Mature Audience Themes

Substance Abuse, Language/Profanity,Extreme Violence

Main Character Details

Name: Blake Parker

Age: 30 ish

Gender: Female

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Adventurous,Badass,Aggressive,Charming,Complex,Decisive,Heroic,Educated,Sarcastic,Skillful,Blunt,Patriotic,Sexy,Confident,Leader,Seductive

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

About The Author

Dr. Bill Hartnett has degrees in Writing from the University of Pittsburgh. He has written seven novels, which can be seen at He is a father of two successful children, a Vietnam Vet, and has been playing guitar and singing in rock bands since 1973. He has travelled around the world visiting four continents and numerous countries.

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34,35-54,55+

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Publisher: LifeRIch Publishing

Year Published: 2019

Hard Copy Available







Agent Blake has been tasked with stopping the assassination of a fifth ambassador. She calls upon her old colleague and ex-lover to help pinpoint who is behind the murders. The mission takes them to Spain and Lebanon where they enlist the help of Hakim, computer genius and Wade, another agent. They attend the ambassador event, catching the culprit with Blake earning the recognition of the president for her service.

Overall Rating


Point of View


Narrative Elements

Authors Writing Style: GOOD

Characterization: GOOD

Commerciality: GOOD

Franchise Potential: EXCELLENT

Pace: GOOD

Premise: GOOD

Structure: GOOD

Theme: GOOD

Accuracy of Book Profile

Yes, the book profile accurately reflects the book.

Draw of Story

The story presents the plot from the very beginning. There is a strong female character lead who is driven and dedicated to her work.

Possible Drawbacks

Some of the story explore typical female storylines that feel outdated. Blake is a highly capable federal agent and a major point of her storyline is her past romantic relationship with Jamison and his wife, Simone, jealous insecurities. Both woman deserve more mature storylines. Simone has no other purpose but as a the jealous wife and could be a more dynamic character. This story is a thriller with little action. Some of the espionage is interesting but it lacks with a gripping plot.

Use of Special Effects


Primary Hook of Story

The hook is that Blake must find out who is killing foreign ambassadors before another one dies. I would watch this for the thriller elements. The dynamic between the characters is also fun and creates a balance to the story.

Fanbase Potential

This could have a large fanbase with some changes. There character development is average but could be deepened giving the story more depth. There is a lack of action, considering the characters are very capable in field federal agents.

Awards Potential

This could have awards potential is more time is taken with character development. The substance abuse and addiction touched on for Blake and Jamison could be delved into more. It is the basis of their relationship. Blake is actively struggling with alcoholism and is shown drinking throughout. There is mention of her calling her sponsor and looking for a meeting but emotionally, there is no connection for the audience.

Envisioned Budget


Similar Films/TV Series


What’s New About the Story

The story is not original. There are many thrillers where an agent is tasked with stopping more murders from happening. This story follows that same formula with international locations, action and near death encounters. The story could be more unique if the cast were more diverse and the location were not in Europe and the Middle East. Places like West or East Africa, Canada, Greenland and Iceland are not used for this genre which could be exciting and fresh.

Lead Characters

The lead character, Blake, stands out for her ongoing substance abuse problems that she is dealing with but also acknowledges. She is upfront with herself about slipping and needing to contact her sponsor and returns to rehab once the mission is done. It is dealt with in more of a factual way with little emotions.

Uniqueness of Story

This is an average story. It is written well and with good world building but it is not distinguishable from other stories of the same genre.

Possible Formats

Film: Studio, Indie, Streaming

Analyst Recommendation



This is a solid drama/thriller with some lighthearted moments. The action is lacking but the character dynamics are entertaining. It is a female lead story which is in demand at the moment. It could be more unique with a diverse cast and locale changes.