The Chief and His Marine
Submision Type
Navy Seal, Chief Platte re-connects with his Ex-Wife and Son, mending their relationship. Life is whole again, then the unspeakable happens. His Son, while serving like his father, is murdered by his Fathers past. Greif stricken, Chief Platte now has a decision to make, and that decision is Revenge.
Action, Adventure, War
Short Summary
Chief Platte, and his Men, get sent out on a mission to help capture Ahmad Ashah. During the mission Chief Platte fights with a Man in the mountains, losing a member of his team and losing his friends killer. Guilty and grieving Chief Platte steps down from Seal Team 2. Until another war emerges.
The States and Afghanistan.
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Overcoming Monster/Villain, Quest, Tragedy
Plot - Other Elements
Meaningful Message, Other
Mature Audience Themes
Extreme Violence, Language/Profanity
Main Character Details
Name: Chief John Platte
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Adventurous, Badass, Masculine, Modest, Charming, Empathetic, Faithful, Honorable, Leader, Selfless, Blunt, Confident
Additional Character Details
Name: Turget
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Role: Sidekick
Key Traits: Adventurous, Underdog, Modest, Badass, Confident, Crazy, Faithful, Heroic, Honorable, Leader, Secretive, Outspoken, Selfless, Patriotic,Funny
Additional Character Details
Name: Meat
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Role: sidekick
Key Traits: Adventurous, Badass, Aggressive, Confident, Crazy, Engaging, Heroic, Honorable, Masculine, Patriotic, Blunt, Selfless, Outspoken, Skillful
Additional Character Details
Name: Smack
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Role: sidekick
Key Traits: Adventurous, Badass, Aggressive, Charming, Confident, Crazy, Engaging, Faithful, Heroic, Honorable, Funny, Skillful, Outspoken, Selfless, Blunt, Masculine
Chief Platte is a Navy SEAL, sent on dangerous missions that take him away from his family. His team is tasked with bringing down parts of a new terrorist group, ISIS. After he retires, his son follows in his footsteps but is publicly beheaded. Chief gathers his team to take down those who killed his son, giving his life to seek his revenge.
Overall Rating
Narrative Elements
Authors Writing Style: GOOD
Characterization: GOOD
Commerciality: GOOD
Franchise Potential: FAIR
Pace: GOOD
Premise: GOOD
Structure: GOOD
Theme: GOOD
Accuracy of Book Profile
Yes, the book profiled accurately reflects the book.
Draw of Story
The comradery between Chief and his team is fun a brotherly even though they are going out to dangerous locations and killing people. Chief's relationship with his family is also a source of interest since he is estranged from his wife because of his job and trying to not disappoint his son.
Possible Drawbacks
The story is very All-American and black and white in it's view of the Middle East and ISIS. There could be more nuance to the story. Chief turns into the very thing he is trying to fight by torturing his son's murderer. While the nature of the story is revenge, Chief becomes blind to it, getting most of his men killed. The story might benefit from having a character that is on Chief's side but is a voice of reason and opposition. All the characters' ideology is pro-America.
Use of Special Effects
Primary Hook of Story
The hook is that the man that slips through Chief's fingers is the one responsible for his son's beheading. Chief has lost everything now and decides to get revenge by killing his son's murderer. I would watch this film for the action.
Fanbase Potential
This could have a large fanbase. It has a strong pro-American serviceman theme that will appeal to many Americans. A revenge story is still popular with audiences. It doesn't put the Middle East a bad light when nothing is that black and white. The call for appropriate representation might deter the broader audiences.
Awards Potential
This does not have awards potential. A story such as this garners awards potential with deep character exploration which this does not do. It has room to explore Chief's emotional turmoil with the death of his family and losing his men.
Envisioned Budget
Similar Films/TV Series
What’s New About the Story
The story is not original. This is a solid military, special ops film mixed with a revenge drama. It is predictable, following the formula of both genres. This could be more unique if Chief's son wasn't killed by ISIS. It could be set in a different part of the world outside of the Middle East.
Lead Characters
The lead character is a normal man who was good at his job. His marriage dissolved in the process and he tries to stay connected with his son. Once his son is killed, he turns into a ruthless killer with one objective. Chief still keeps his humanity by giving away is material goods to those who need it. He is a solid male character with all the qualities needed to advanced the plot but make it meaningful.
Uniqueness of Story
This is not a rare gem, it is a heartfelt story which has been seen before. It doesn't revolutionize anything and would do well to have more gray areas when dealing with the Middle East and terrorism.
Possible Formats
Film: Studio, Indie, Streaming
Analyst Recommendation
The story as of now is very solid and well written. There is a lot of action and adventure with likeable characters and a satisfying end. The strong, pro-American theme but not appeal to mainstream audiences in this current climate.