The Boy Who Knew Too Much

Book Cover



Cathy Byrd

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A true story of a young baseball prodigy who shared vivid memories of being legendary baseball player Lou Gehrig in a previous life, sending his family on a journey of discovery, and challenging his mother to find the courage and conviction to share her son's life-changing story with the world.



Short Summary

At the tender age of two, baseball prodigy Christian Haupt began sharing vivid memories of being a baseball player in the 1920s and '30s. From riding cross-country on trains, to his fierce rivalry with Babe Ruth, Christian described historical facts he could have not possibly known at the time.


Los Angeles, New York

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Meaningful Message,Twist

Mature Audience Themes

Information not completed

Main Character Details

Name: Cathy Byrd

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Adventurous,Engaging,Faithful,Educated,Visionary,Outspoken,Funny,Empathetic,Underdog

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

About The Author

Website: Book Trailer: Cathy Byrd is the author of the book "The Boy Who Knew Too Much," which was released by Hay House on March 21, 2017. The movie rights for this remarkable story have recently been purchased by 20th Century Fox and producer DeVon Franklin who created the movies "Heaven is for Real" and "Miracles from Heaven." Cathy is a residential real estate broker and mother of two young children who never had aspirations of becoming a writer until her two-year-old son began sharing memories of being a baseball player in the 1920s and '30s. What makes this story even more fascinating is that Byrd's son Christian Haupt has been touted by the international media as being a baseball prodigy since the age of two when he was discovered on YouTube by Adam Sandler for a baseball-playing cameo role in the movie "That's My Boy." Shortly after his fourth birthday, Christian became the youngest person to ever throw a ceremonial first pitch at a Major League baseball game and his YouTube baseball videos have now been viewed by more than 15 million people. Christian's case has been studied by Dr. Jim Tucker from the University of Virginia Medical School department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences. Dr. Tucker has continued the research on children's past-life memories that was originally started by Dr. Ian Stevenson in 1967. The University of Virginia now has over 2,500 documented cases of children who remember past lives on file. A Southern California native, Cathy received her B.A. from UCLA and her M.B.A. from Pepperdine University. The most likely place to find Cathy in her free time is at a youth baseball field.

Target Audiences

Age: 7-12,13-17,18-34,55+,35-54

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: with a Publisher

Publisher: Hay House, Inc.

Year Published: 2017 hard-copy & 2019 paperback

Hard Copy Available







“The boy who knew too much” is a compelling and heartwarming true narrative about a young baseball prodigy who claimed to be legendary baseball player Lou Gehrig in a previous life. The book tells the story of his family as they navigate the challenges of this unique situation and go on a journey of making sense about the boy’s past life memories.

Overall Rating


Point of View


Narrative Elements

Authors Writing Style: EXCELLENT

Characterization: EXCELLENT

Commerciality: EXCELLENT

Franchise Potential: EXCELLENT



Structure: EXCELLENT


Accuracy of Book Profile

Book profile is missing Additional Character details and Development Pitch.

Draw of Story

The idea of a young boy claiming to have past life memories is already fascinating and intriguing. Moreover, the story also delves into the emotional journey of the mother, the author Cathy Byrd, who is also a skillful storyteller, who is trying to understand her son's claims, and this is another aspect of the story that is highly compelling.

Possible Drawbacks

Nothing made me want to put the book down.

Use of Special Effects


Primary Hook of Story

Firstly, the story itself is thought-provoking, and would likely make for a captivating and emotional film. The idea of a young boy claiming to have past life memories, and the journey of discovery that the family goes on to uncover the truth would be in itself compelling to watch. Additionally, the book delves into the world of baseball and provides an interesting look into the game's history and culture, which would most likely translate well to the big screen, attracting baseball fans. Furthermore, the journey of the mother's emotional struggle to understand her son's memories and her journey to find the courage and conviction to share his story with the world would be a powerful and moving subject.

Fanbase Potential

This could have a large fanbase if adapted, especially among baseball fans, but certainly not only among them, as the family’s journey into this unusual situation could be relatable for people in general due to variety of forms that people involved react to it.

Awards Potential

Considering that awards are often given to films that tackle complex and original stories, the movie adaptation of “The boy who knew too much” has the potential to be well-received by critics and audiences alike.

Envisioned Budget


Similar Films/TV Series


What’s New About the Story

“The boy who knew too much” is an original story in several ways. One of the most striking aspects of the story is the idea of a young person with vivid memories of being a legendary baseball player in a previous life. This is a unique and intriguing concept that is not often explored in literature or film, and it adds a fascinating layer of mystery to the story. Overall, this is an original story that combines an intriguing concept, emotional depth and an original look into baseball history and culture, making it unique and engaging. However, as reincarnation is a delicate and polemic subject, script needs to be handled with care.

Lead Characters

What makes the lead character, the young Christian, interesting, is also what makes this story compelling: the idea of past lives and the possibility of reincarnation, which is a controversial and complex subject that can be hard to tackle. However the author, also an important character in this story, manages to explore it in an original and skillful manner.

Uniqueness of Story

This is a rare gem. That being said,one potential area for improvement could be the pacing of the story. While the narrative is engaging and well-written, some readers may find that it moves slowly at times.

Possible Formats

Film: Studio, Indie, Streaming TV Series: Network, Cable, Limited Run / Mini-Series, Streaming

Analyst Recommendation



Overall, this is a unique story that is worth reading and adapting to audiovisual as it would suit anyone interested in exploring the mysteries of the human mind and soul, baseball or the idea of past lives.