Dialogue that places the protagonist in front of her essence, her hitherto unrecognized reality.
Short Summary
One morning, like any other, the protagonist tries to find a reason to wake up and continue with the life she has been living up to now. However, a voice begins a dialogue that makes her doubt reality and forces her to introspect unexpectedly.
The protagonist finds herself, without having proposed it and in the least expected place, thanks to the help of the answers that she herself kept.
In a room in any place.
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Plot - Other Elements
Meaningful Message,Philosophical Questions
Mature Audience Themes
Information not completed
Main Character Details
Name: X
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Sarcastic,Funny,Complex
Additional Character Details
Name: Voice
Age: Undefined
Gender: Other
Role: Logical
Key Traits: Funny,Sarcastic,Confident
Additional Character Details
Name: Voice
Age: Unknown
Gender: Other
Role: logical
Key Traits: Funny,Sarcastic,Confident
Additional Character Details
The author has not yet written this
Development Pitch
Smooth development story, easy to adapt to any scenario, with essential questions without being depressing. It generates in the viewer questions that we all ask ourselves from time to time, without the need to plunge into a deep philosophical treatise.
X wakes up in a cold room where unknown forces are keeping her from leaving the bed. A voice is conversing with her about where they are and X’s choice of staying in her dreams. They are joined by Body Dream, a manifestation of X’s body while she dreams. X wakes up in a nursing home; she is an elderly woman.
Overall Rating
Narrative Elements
Authors Writing Style: GOOD
Characterization: GOOD
Commerciality: FAIR
Franchise Potential: FAIR
Pace: GOOD
Premise: GOOD
Structure: GOOD
Theme: GOOD
Accuracy of Book Profile
It is accurate.
Draw of Story
The story is philosophical, addressing dreams and life. It is an interesting play on dreams, retrospect on one’s life and desires. The hook is not clear until the end of story. The story will keep the audience guessing.
Possible Drawbacks
The script is very abstract. It is not clear what the story is about until the very end. This would be appealing to a very specific audience. This isn’t necessarily a negative or should be changed, but might limit the mainstream appeal.
Use of Special Effects
Primary Hook of Story
The hook is that an unknown person finds themselves confronted with the dreams and thoughts that make them unique. It is a look at a person’s thoughts and dreams.
Fanbase Potential
This would not have a large fanbase. It is very philosophical in subject matter which works for the stage but might not translate to a screen.
Awards Potential
This story does have awards potential. It utilizes unique storytelling and is not predictable. It has the space for great acting moments as well as interesting cinematography.
Envisioned Budget
Similar Films/TV Series
What’s New About the Story
The story is original because of the unique storytelling. The script explores the idea of dreams vs. reality and one person’s conflict on the subject.
Lead Characters
The lead character stands out because it seemed to be the inner child of the elderly woman revealed at the end. The character, X, is the inner person in all of us who is struggling to find answers, looking forward and back in life to understand.
Uniqueness of Story
This is an interesting story with some unique elements. It is not a linear story with a plot. It evokes a retrospect of a person’s life, trying to understand why they are stuck in that moment and place. It is a short story and could be developed further for a more complete story.
Possible Formats
Film: Studio, Indie, Streaming TV Series: Network, Cable, Limited Run / Mini-Series, Streaming
Analyst Recommendation
This is a consider because it would be a refreshing addition to current filmography. It is very different from what is seen mainstream. There are few stories that evoke deep thought in an audience with a surprise ending.