1960s & '70s,1980s & '90s,20th Century (multiple decades)
Robert Paul

TaleFlick Top Pick!
Submision Type
Enduring my narcissistic mother's abuse and constant relocation for most of my childhood and early teenage years, I found comfort in the unconditional love of my grandmother and Aunt Betty. Moving into early adulthood, I had diffuiculty with relationships and life.
Short Summary
November 1, 2007—the day I reached an ultimate pick-my-poison fork in the road. Up to that point, I had experienced many metaphoric births and subsequent deaths. I was looking down the barrel towards a march to oblivion. Little did I know, my lowest point promised a rebirth beyond my wildest dreams.
New Mexico, California, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, and Tijuana, Mexico.
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Internal Journey/Rebirth,Tragedy,Overcoming Monster/Villain
Plot - Other Elements
Coming of Age,Meaningful Message,Philosophical Questions
Mature Audience Themes
Language/Profanity,Extreme Violence
Main Character Details
Name: Robert Paul
Age: Age range in the book is; 5 year's of age till 45 years old.
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Adventurous,Aspiring,Complex,Romantic,Underdog,Insecure,Sarcastic,Skillful,Funny,Naive
Additional Character Details
Name: Clenton Alexander aka; Clent, Cornbread
Age: Age range in the book is; 12 year's of age till 45 years old.
Gender: Male
Role: Antagonist
Key Traits: Adventurous,Aspiring,Villainous,Narcisstic,Charming,Complex,Criminal,Blunt,Power Hungry,Funny,Greedy,Educated,Unapologetic,Confident,Engaging
Additional Character Details
Name: Alfredo Villalobos aka; Fred, Freddy, Fredo, Red Head Fred
Age: Age range in the book is; 11 year's of age till 30 years old.
Gender: Male
Role: sidekick
Key Traits: Adventurous,Aspiring,Charming,Confident,Engaging,Funny,Selfless,Visionary,Secretive,Honorable,Faithful,Criminal,Modest
Additional Character Details
Name: Shane Encino aka "Big Tik"
Age: Age range in the book is; 11 year's of age till 28 years old.
Gender: Male
Role: tempter
Key Traits: Adventurous,Masculine,Villainous,Aggressive,Crazy,Criminal,Confident,Complex,Funny,Manipulative,Badass,Unapologetic
Robert had a horrible childhood thanks to his mother’s abusive behavior. The results lead him to a life of drugs and alcohol abuse. He has a string of failed relationships, family drama and resentment. After his son implores him to get clean, he takes a different look at his life and chooses forgiveness and acceptance to bitterness.
Overall Rating
Narrative Elements
Authors Writing Style: GOOD
Characterization: EXCELLENT
Commerciality: GOOD
Franchise Potential: FAIR
Pace: GOOD
Premise: GOOD
Structure: GOOD
Theme: GOOD
Accuracy of Book Profile
It is accurate.
Draw of Story
The story begins by exploring Robert’s tumultuous childhood and his life with a volatile mother. There is immediate empathy for a child so young, having to deal with the anger of an adult they should be able to trust.
Possible Drawbacks
The majority of the story about Robert’s life is engaging. There are some parts of the story that could be condensed. Robert goes into detail about all his friends. The parts about his jobs are given too much time. The most interesting parts of his story are his relationships with family and friends. The end of the story is a rant about Robert’s feelings on political topics. It does not match the rest of the story.
Use of Special Effects
Primary Hook of Story
The hook is that Robert’s abusive and selfish mother led him to have a chaotic and unstable childhood. The scars from that led to a destructive adulthood until he hits bottom and must choose between life or death. This movie has a lot of heart and sadness, showing how circumstances do not have to define a person forever. It is a heartbreaking and uplifting story.
Fanbase Potential
This could have a large fanbase. It explores the human condition and what a lack of love and care can do to a person. Audiences might relate to the character and the decisions he makes because of childhood experiences.
Awards Potential
This story could have awards potential. The story deep dives into the human condition exploring the effects of abuse and how that affects adulthood. There is room for great acting moments.
Envisioned Budget
Similar Films/TV Series
What’s New About the Story
The story is unique because it is true. This also centers around a non white man. It sheds light on the struggles of people of color that do not include racial trauma.
Lead Characters
The lead character stands out because of his perseverance. Robert has had a hard life. He didn’t get the support and love he should have from his parents. He became a victim of neglect and abuse while being put into a position of responsibility. He ends the story with a healthy and mature epiphany about his mother and his feelings towards her actions and his childhood. The growth and honesty he shows is a sure sign of emotional evolution.
Uniqueness of Story
This is an engaging story although not completely original. It is a realistic look at life and the challenges people face. Robert’s story is heartbreaking and heartwarming which would draw audiences.
Possible Formats
Film: Studio, Indie, Streaming TV Series: Limited Run / Mini-Series, Streaming
Analyst Recommendation
This would be a recommendation because it is a strong story with a distinct voice. It is a mature story about rising past one’s circumstances and becoming at peace with your past. The story would take the audience on a roller coaster of emotions, following Robert’s life from childhood to adulthood.