The Caine File

Book Cover


Across The Centuries

Angela Ciccolo

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Sam Charleroi is the focal point in an ecclesiastic sex scandal. Tasked with Sam's exorcism, an unwilling priest suspects the possession is a church smokescreen to discredit Sam's accusations, but the boys case shows elements of true demonic activity linked to an ancient evil.



Short Summary

In 1983 Detective Roger Luby responds to the discovery of a carefully folded human skin in the garage of a local family. Decades later, Luby stands in the Leesburg jail confronted with two suicides and the remains of third victim who has been skinned alive.


Nevis, Leesburg, Virginia

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise


Plot - Other Elements

Philosophical Questions, Twist

Mature Audience Themes

Extreme Violence, Language/Profanity, Nudity, Sexual Abuse

Main Character Details

Name: Father Rober Malveaux.

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Role: Skeptic

Key Traits: Educated, Honorable, Outspoken, Religious, Unapologetic, Badass, Complex, Decisive

Additional Character Details

Name: Marissa Charleroi

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Sophisticated, Beautiful, Crazy, Manipulative, Seductive

Additional Character Details

Name: Leon Charleroi

Age: 65

Gender: Male

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Power-hungry, Blunt, Confident, Narcissistic

Additional Character Details

Name: Vaughn Rock

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Underdog, Desperate, Heroic, Lone Wolf, Masculine, Outspoken, Perseverance, Sexy

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: with a Publisher

Publisher: Carthage Road

Year Published: 2014

Hard Copy Available



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