A Message From The Heart

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Bob Mandala

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Marnie has been waiting for a new heart for most of her life. She just hasn't been at the right place at the right time. Abby has always been eager to help others when called upon to do so. When one family's sorrow collides with another's limitless joy, everyone's life is changed forever.



Short Summary

Abby Burns meets a tragic death far too soon. She is a certified organ donor. Marnie Garrison has been waiting forever for a new heart and is at the top of the list in her area. Abby's heart becomes available and the transplant takes place. The donor's husband and Marnie have a chance meeting.


Anywhere, USA

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Happy Ending,Meaningful Message

Mature Audience Themes

Information not completed

Main Character Details

Name: Marnie Garrison

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Aggressive,Charming,Engaging,Funny,Insecure,Romantic

Additional Character Details

Name: Russ Burns

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Charming,Engaging,Faithful,Educated,Selfless,Funny,Romantic,Strong Moral Code

Additional Character Details

Name: Tyler

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Role: emotional

Key Traits: Engaging,Flexible,Strong Moral Code,Modest

Additional Character Details

Name: Stan Lawrence

Age: 65

Gender: Male

Role: antagonist

Key Traits: Confident,Faithful,Unapologetic,Outspoken

About The Author

Bob Mandala is originally from California and now resides in Greenville, SC, with his wife, Linda and their feisty Maltese, Daisy. Before retiring, Bob worked for Bank of America for over 39 years. In addition to writing, Bob has a small art sculpture business - he designs and makes Wire Tree Sculptures that he sells in independent galleries and at various art shows. His sculpture website is DeepintoTrees.com. Bob enjoys golf and of course, reading. The overall themes in Bob's books are love, hope, and one's ability to overcome difficult circumstances no matter how large or how small. His characters often face challenges but with the help of friends and families, they manage to work through these issues and concerns and lead productive and often inspiring lives.

Target Audiences

Age: 35-54

Target Gender: Female Leaning

Group Specific

Transplant Recipients International Organization

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Publisher: Bob Mandala

Year Published: 2019

Hard Copy Available
