Elaine's Russia

Canton Eaves cantoneeaves@yahoo.com 1304874614843



Canton Eaves

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A docile and unassuming homebody is kidnapped at gunpoint, taken to Russia, forced to marry the president and used as a sexual pawn to further his political aspirations.



Short Summary

Elaine has taken a friend to the airport and on the way back to her car when she suddenly feels a gun in her side, her arm grabbed and a foreign, male voice say, "Don't say a word and come with me." She is forced into a waiting airplane which leaves the ground...and her country.


Russia and USA

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Overcoming Monster/Villain

Plot - Other Elements


Mature Audience Themes

Sexual Abuse, Nudity

Main Character Details

Name: Elaine

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Desperate, Insecure, Modest, Perseverance, Underdog

Additional Character Details

Name: The President

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Aggressive, Confident, Unapologetic, Villainous, Charming, Leader, Manipulative, Masculine, Narcissistic, Seductive, Decisive, Educated, Power-hungry, Secretive

Additional Character Details

Name: Victor

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Aggressive, Confident, Educated, Masculine, Obedient, Patriotic, Strong Moral Code

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Year Published: 2016

Hard Copy Available



Information not completed