Mrs. Bennet's Sentiments
Submision Type
JANE AUSTEN’S MOTHER TELLS ALL Jane Austen's Mrs. Bennet, mother of five difficult teenage daughters, is silent no more!! Those who grew up enjoying Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice will delight in Mrs. Bennet's Sentiments. Mrs. Bennet finally tells her side of the story
Short Summary
JANE AUSTEN’S MOTHER TELLS ALL Tired of having her ungrateful girls roll their eyes at her and watching her husband retreat to his man cave, Mrs Bennet is having her own midlife crisis. Being the mother of five daughters and managing a household isn't easy, and she must get them married.
English countryside, London
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Quest,Internal Journey/Rebirth
Plot - Other Elements
Twist,Meaningful Message
Mature Audience Themes
Information not completed
Main Character Details
Name: Miriam Bennet
Age: 40 plus
Gender: Female
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Charming,Complex,Confident,Decisive,Desperate,Skillful,Outspoken,Blunt,Underdog,Manipulative
Additional Character Details
Name: Mr Bennet
Age: 40 plus
Gender: Male
Role: Skeptic
Key Traits: Masculine,Narcisstic,Educated,Sarcastic
Additional Character Details
Name: Lizzy
Age: 20 plus
Gender: Female
Role: emotional
Key Traits: Adventurous,Narcisstic,Outspoken,Sarcastic,Educated
Additional Character Details
Name: Darcy
Age: 25 plus
Gender: Male
Role: antagonist
Key Traits: Narcisstic,Heartthrob,Leader,Unapologetic,Sophisticated,Masculine,Complex,Educated