Hubert The Color Changing Dragon

Book Cover



L.E. Kocot

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Hubert is a very happy positive dragon that loves life and the environment. He helps out many friends when he can. Hubert is a very unique dragon who changes color and is also a water breathing dragon.



Short Summary

Hubert wakes up to the sound of thunder and rain and he remains happy and positive. In this special children's book Hubert is loving his new environment and also meets his new friends which now he considers family.


special surroundings in the forest

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise


Plot - Other Elements

Happy Ending

Mature Audience Themes

Information not completed

Main Character Details

Name: Hubert which is the name of the book

Age: not sure but he is only 3 feet tall

Gender: Male

Role: Logical

Key Traits: Adventurous,Charming,Funny

Additional Character Details

Name: Leo

Age: young unicorn

Gender: Male

Role: Sidekick

Key Traits: Adventurous,Charming,Confident

Additional Character Details

Name: Lizzy

Age: young unicorn

Gender: Female

Role: sidekick

Key Traits: Adventurous,Charming,Confident

Additional Character Details

The author has not yet written this

About The Author

Lorraine has enjoyed writing for many years and first started out with writing poetry. She was born in Newfoundland and is now living in Barrie Ontario. She enjoys seeing many people happy and she is a very positive person also. She decided to start writing a book for children because she loves to see kids enjoy reading and having fun with it all. Life is good . I would also like to say how proud I was of writing such a wonderful book because many many adults have so enjoyed reading this book to many of their kids and look forward to the next one!

Target Audiences

Age: 6 and under

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Publisher: Both Hubert books published by Wasteland Press in Kentucky

Year Published: 2018

Hard Copy Available







Hubert is a big, purple dinosaur who helps those in need. His family consist of a group of unicorns. He changes colors based off of how he feels.

Overall Rating


Point of View


Narrative Elements

Authors Writing Style: FAIR

Characterization: FAIR

Commerciality: GOOD

Franchise Potential: GOOD

Pace: FAIR

Premise: GOOD

Structure: FAIR

Theme: GOOD

Accuracy of Book Profile

Yes, the book profile accurately reflects the book.

Draw of Story

This a children's book about a purple dragon. This has already been done with Barney and I was interested if it would be similar or different.

Possible Drawbacks

The book seems to be broken down into individual stories. The stories are not well rounded. It is targeted for a very young age group but the stories are extremely simple. Hubert finds someone in need and helps, then it's over. As a book, it doesn't have an ending. It is the same story repeated.

Use of Special Effects


Primary Hook of Story

The hook is that a purple, color changing dinosaur helps out his animal friends. The color changing aspect of the dinosaur as it is associated with his feelings is interesting but is not explained thoroughly in the story.

Fanbase Potential

This could have a large fanbase because a purple dinosaur has worked before.

Awards Potential

This does not have awards potential. It is a children's book that is very simplistic with few lessons for growing children.

Envisioned Budget


Similar Films/TV Series


What’s New About the Story

The story isn't original. A purple dinosaur children's story has been done and this is not as interesting as that. The story could be developed more. This would not hold children's interest.

Lead Characters

The lead character is a purple dinosaur that helps out his friends. He changes colors and was raised by unicorns. It is a good children story character but not very unique.

Uniqueness of Story

This is an average story that needs more development.

Possible Formats

TV Series - Streaming, TV Series - Network, TV Series - Cable

Analyst Recommendation



While the story has many positive points, it has room for improvement (see possible paths below). If you can't change the story at this point, my suggestion is using your notes as a guide to highlight the best aspects of it when taking the next steps, either putting a pitch page together, a treatment, or a presentation.

Tips for Improvement

This would be a consider if Hubert's world is developed. There is nothing to stimulate the imagination besides that he is a dinosaur. It has been done before and needs something more unique to differentiate this from past iterations. His unicorn family and color changing should be explained in the beginning and tied in to the other stories.