Freeing Your Heart For Love, A Memoir

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2000s,1980s & '90s

Lorrine Patterson

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Freeing Your Heart for Love is a raw, unflinching, memoir about one woman’s journey from abuse to actualization, and the art of finding lasting love and happiness. It showcases how Lorrine’s childhood experiences resulted in a destructive pattern of codependency in different forms.



Short Summary

It was just another weekend with Leon. The week prior, he had been hunting online for the next man to join us in the bedroom. I had no words to tell him that I didn’t want to do this anymore. We were a married couple who had made a promise to each other when we married to love, respect, and protect.



Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Meaningful Message

Mature Audience Themes

Sexual Abuse

Main Character Details

Name: Lorrine

Age: 16-45

Gender: Female

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Desperate,Educated,Insecure,Obedient,Sexy,Romantic

Additional Character Details

Name: Gary

Age: 49

Gender: Male

Role: Logical

Key Traits: Adventurous,Charming,Confident,Empathetic,Engaging,Faithful,Gracious,Heartthrob,Heroic,Romantic

Additional Character Details

Name: George

Age: 21-52

Gender: Male

Role: antagonist

Key Traits: Aggressive,Crazy,Criminal,Greedy,Sarcastic,Unapologetic,Power Hungry,Villainous,Narcisstic,Manipulative,Secretive

Additional Character Details

Name: Logan

Age: 30-52

Gender: Male

Role: skeptic

Key Traits: Insecure,Modest,Outspoken,Manipulative

About The Author

Lorrine Patterson is living proof that the human heart can withstand many hardships. Lorrine has overcome suicidal depression, survived three turbulent marriages and numerous relationships, but she never stopped trying to improve herself. Every experience in her life has pointed her down roads she didn't understand at the time. Left to discover her unique truth, Lorrine has overcome the odds and continues finding success. She met and married the love of her life in 2017, is the proud mother of seven and grandmother of three.

Target Audiences

Age: 35-54

Target Gender: Female Leaning

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: with a Publisher

Publisher: Aviva Publishing

Year Published: 2021

Hard Copy Available







Lorrine grew up with abusive parents and an unloving home. She gets married at 17 and is a mother by 18, to a cheating husband. She begins to branch out, working on her own career. Her adult life is filled with failed relationships, more children and many life lessons learned until she meets the love of her life.

Overall Rating


Point of View


Narrative Elements

Authors Writing Style: GOOD

Characterization: GOOD

Commerciality: FAIR

Franchise Potential: FAIR

Pace: GOOD

Premise: GOOD

Structure: GOOD

Theme: GOOD

Accuracy of Book Profile

Yes, the book profile accurately reflects the book.

Draw of Story

The story begins with a very difficult moment in Lorrine's life. She is trying to please her husband by sleeping with other men. She doesn't want to do it anymore but goes through with it for him. Lorrine feels shame and regret. It sets the tone for the story and gives a good understanding of Lorrine's struggles with self love and finding her own voice.

Possible Drawbacks

Lorrine's story is not an easy story to read. She goes through a lot of abuse from multiple people in her life. The audience goes on a journey with her through self love and acceptance. It is rewarding at the end. It would be beneficial to explore her life outside of her relationship. She talks about growing in her career, but none of that is shown.

Use of Special Effects


Primary Hook of Story

The hook is that Lorrine's unloving childhood set her on a path to accepting abusive relationships in her adulthood until she learned her worth and found true love. I would watch this movie to see this person's journey and growth. The media makes it seem that you need to have together in your 30's when life is a journey and there is not distinguishing age to have it all figured out. Lorrine's story is realistic and relatable.

Fanbase Potential

This wouldn't have a large fanbase because it feels geared towards an older demographic. It leans towards indie film tones. It is all about life lessons and overcoming the trauma of your past. It could still very popular as an indie film.

Awards Potential

This does have awards potential. It is a character driven story that handles hard topics. It is from Lorrine's inner voice and if that is brought through with the right actress, it could garner awards attention.

Envisioned Budget


Similar Films/TV Series


What’s New About the Story

The story is original because it is Lorrine's story. She had a rough childhood, married very young, had children and tried to find happiness. Overall, the story is not unique. It's a woman's story of healing from the past and loving herself. There is complete focus on Lorrine's romantic relationships. She had other things going on in her life, specifically, her career, that should be explored. There is little mention of friends, her relationship with her family as an adult or her children as she is trying to figure out her life. That information would present a more well rounded story.

Lead Characters

The lead character stands out because she is relatable. Lorrine keeps trying for love even when she has had terrible experiences. She doesn't have her life figured out and doesn't get her happy ending until she is almost 50 years old. She shows that life is a journey.

Uniqueness of Story

This is a gem because it is one woman's unique story. It could be told in a more dynamic way that would be more impactful.

Possible Formats

Film: Indie, Streaming

Analyst Recommendation



This is a solid story that shows the power of change, growth and empowerment. It is inspiring story that shows the strength of woman. The story doesn't have mass appeal at the moment. It needs to show more of her life outside of the relationships because that is not the sum of a women's life.