The Eagle Legacy

Book Cover


Contemporary,1940s & '50s,Across Centuries

Mark D Richardson

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A quiet village in the Southwest of England, idyllic, peaceful and picturesque. Until death comes to call. No suspects, no motive. But a cause of death that thrusts the world into chaos. One man is tasked to uncover the evil and stop a threat desperate to destroy everything in its path.



Short Summary

A sleeper cell of the historic First Reich (The Holy Roman Empire) are seeking the key and code to access Nazi gold hidden in a secret location, planning to destroy the financial centres of the modern world. It creates a race against time to stop the evil and prevent a worldwide nuclear disaster.


Mittand Burrow (fictional village in England),Oxford, Cornwall, Paris, Zurich, Chur (Switzerland), Pacific Island, Barbados

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Overcoming Monster/Villain,Quest

Plot - Other Elements


Mature Audience Themes

Language/Profanity,Extreme Violence

Main Character Details

Name: Jack Case

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Adventurous,Masculine,Modest,Badass,Aggressive,Charming,Sexy,Complex,Confident,Decisive,Blunt,Outspoken,Skillful,Heartthrob,Heroic,Leader,Lone Wolf

Additional Character Details

Name: Fabian Brandt

Age: 60

Gender: Male

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Badass,Villainous,Aggressive,Narcisstic,Criminal,Religious,Blunt,Decisive,Power Hungry,Visionary,Greedy,Leader,Unapologetic,Manipulative,Crazy

Additional Character Details

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Additional Character Details

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About The Author

Mark was born in Leicester, England in December 1961 Educated to A level standard and with a passion for writing, he designed school newsletters, produced many school plays; wrote articles in a teen magazine ‘Look and Learn’ and instead of the assigned English essay homework, created short stories on a regular basis. After several writing courses and correspondence assignments, novel writing became a hobby. He started with a fantasy novel, followed by short story of a real-life​ experience in the States, before constructing a rough draft of a thriller in the world of football. But it was his passion for detective movies, spy thrillers, murder mysteries and whodunnits, that provided the material and inspiration for The Case Files. The Eagle Legacy is the first of many in the series. High energy, explosive thrillers set in a world of constant threat, a continual tale of good against evil.

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34,35-54,55+

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

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Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Publisher: Self Published

Year Published: 2019

Hard Copy Available



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