The Madhouse of Love
The Madhouse of Love is the story of a 12-year-old boy who is mistakenly placed in an Adolescent Psychiatric Unit where he spends two and a half years, falls in love with a girl-patient and eventually ends up homeless and struggling to survive at the age of 16.
Biographical, Comedy, Memoir, Romance, Young Adult,
Short Summary
The story of Tony Whitfield takes place in an Adolescent Unit, which is a '60s-built, one-storey building out in the country. Later, he takes a bus from Scotland to London, where he ends up out one the streets.
Scotland, London
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Rebellion Against 'The One'
Plot - Other Elements
Coming of Age, Meaningful Message, Philosophical Questions, Twist
Mature Audience Themes
Nudity, Sexual Abuse, Language/Profanity
Main Character Details
Name: Tony Whitfield
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Role: Emotional
Key Traits: Charming, Desperate, Engaging, Heartthrob, Beautiful, Educated, Funny, Unapologetic, Empathetic, Heroic, Masculine, Naive, Sarcastic, Sexy, Visionary, Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Insecure, Lone Wolf, Narcissistic, Outspoken, Religious, Romantic, Underdog
Additional Character Details
Name: Vivian Smith
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Role: Emotional
Key Traits: Insecure, Badass, Heartthrob, Unapologetic, Engaging, Sexy, Underdog, Charming, Outspoken, Educated, Empathetic, Romantic, Seductive, Complex, Desperate
Additional Character Details
Name: Dave Chambers
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Role: Logical
Key Traits: Narcissistic, Sexy, Unapologetic, Beautiful, Flexible, Heartthrob, Empathetic, Romantic, Visionary, Aspiring, Confident, Outspoken, Charming, Educated, Engaging
Additional Character Details
Name: Ann Zubrowka
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Role: Tempter
Key Traits: Romantic, Educated, Engaging, Funny, Manipulative, Outspoken, Religious, Charming, Confident, Empathetic, Unapologetic