Thirteen Therapists

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Russell J. Sanders

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Thirteen Therapists tell of Aaron Hardaway, the son of Chicago society dame Sylvia Hardaway, as he navigates the choppy waters of a new relationship with bad-boy Derrick and coming out to his mother Sylvia.


LGBT, Young Adult,

Short Summary

Aaron Hardaway has a new bad boy lover, and he wants his mother out of his hair. Sylvia Karnes Hardaway, evil Queen of Chicago society, long ago thrust her son into therapy hell. Twelve shrinks later, Thirteen enters Aaron's life. She will transform his life.



Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Internal Journey/Rebirth

Plot - Other Elements

Coming of Age, Happy Ending, Meaningful Message

Mature Audience Themes

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Main Character Details

Name: Aaron Hardaway

Age: 18

Gender: LGBT

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Romantic, Complex, Educated, Engaging, Insecure, Obedient

Additional Character Details

Name: Derrick

Age: 18

Gender: LGBT

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Complex, Heartthrob, Masculine, Narcissistic, Seductive, Skillful, Unapologetic, Aggressive, Villainous, Engaging, Manipulative, Sexy, Charming

Additional Character Details

Name: Sylvia Karnes Hardaway

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Role: Antagonist

Key Traits: Beautiful, Blunt, Sophisticated, Manipulative, Outspoken, Unapologetic, Aggressive, Confident, Leader, Aspiring, Complex, Decisive, Badass, Narcissistic

Additional Character Details

Name: Marty Hardaway

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Honorable, Outspoken, Perseverance, Strong Moral Code, Confident, Faithful, Heroic, Leader, Masculine, Complex, Selfless, Decisive, Engaging, Funny, Patriotic, Romantic

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34

Target Gender: LGBT leaning

Group Specific

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Publishing Details

Status: Yes: with a Publisher

Publisher: Featherweight Publishing

Year Published: 2013

Hard Copy Available



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