Summer Angel (Summer Spirit Series

Book Cover



Samantha Jacobey

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No one EVER had a summer romance like this. When Charlie visited another plane parallel to our own, he discovered that Summer Angels and Dark Angels battle over the fate of man. Faced with choices no one should ever have to make, his adventure has been fraught with twists and turns, with life and death hanging in the balance. His guardian, Clarisse, is the half that makes him whole, but sinister forces conspire to do more than simply keep them apart. Find out if they can stand up to the powers that be in this THRILLING MAGICAL ADVENTURE!!



Short Summary

Magical aliens posing as guardian Angels



Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Overcoming Monster/Villain

Plot - Other Elements

Happy Ending, Coming of Age

Mature Audience Themes

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Main Character Details

Name: Charlie

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Role: Protagonist

Key Traits: Extraordinary Powers and Abilities, Adventurous, Faithful, Sophisticated, Strong Moral Code

Additional Character Details

Name: Clarisse


Gender: Female

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Strong Moral Code, Badass, Beautiful, Faithful, Skillful, Sophisticated, Adventurous, Aspiring, Complex, Empathetic, Funny

Additional Character Details

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Additional Character Details

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About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34

Target Gender: Female leaning

Group Specific

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Publishing Details

Status: Yes: with a Publisher

Publisher: Lavish Publishing, LLC

Year Published: 2015

Hard Copy Available



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