Before the Throne

17th Century or Earlier
Sargon Maradkel
"Before the Throne" is an action-filled, historical drama that chronicles the life of King David from the time he defeats Goliath at age 15 to the moment he is anointed king of Israel at age 30. It is the most amazing ascension to the throne in the history of mankind!
Short Summary
King Saul, the first king of Israel, is tormented by an evil spirit, and to alleviate his suffering, he enlists the help of a godly shepherd boy named David, who plays the lyre for him. What Saul does not know is that David, a man after God's own heart, is destined to succeed him as king.
After Saul is killed in battle, David is victorious over all his enemies, and David's men, who at one time were considered a band of misfits, proclaim him King of Judah and ultimately King of Israel. King David's reign begins, and he is beloved by all his people and by his God.
Information not completed
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Overcoming Monster/Villain,Quest
Plot - Other Elements
Meaningful Message,Happy Ending
Mature Audience Themes
Extreme Violence
Main Character Details
Name: David
Age: Teenager, then 20s
Gender: Male
Role: Protagonist
Key Traits: Adventurous,Aspiring,Masculine,Modest,Obedient,Religious,Selfless,Skillful,Outspoken,Visionary,Unapologetic,Strong Moral Code,Underdog,Leader,Honorable,Heroic,Gracious,Faithful,Empathetic,Decisive,Confident,Charming,Aggressive
Additional Character Details
Name: King Saul
Age: 50s
Gender: Male
Role: Antagonist
Key Traits: Aggressive,Crazy,Criminal,Desperate,Greedy,Insecure,Manipulative,Secretive,Power Hungry,Narcisstic,Villainous
Additional Character Details
The author has not yet written this
Additional Character Details
The author has not yet written this
Development Pitch
"Before the Throne" draws upon the biblical account of David before his ascension to the throne as King of Israel. It follows this young shepherd boy, a mere teenager, from the moment he gains favor with King Saul by playing his lyre in the king's court to the moment he shows valor by defeating the formerly unbeatable giant Goliath to his years on-the-run from a jealous and psychotic King Saul. This true story, found primarily in the biblical books 1 Samuel and Psalms, also includes moments that I have written that maintain the integrity of Scripture, but that are not in the text itself. I want to stress the fact that “Before the Throne” is not a Christian movie for a Christian audience: it is a dramatic, violent, and powerful story for a much wider audience. "Before the Throne" can be produced as a feature-length film or a limited series that would include all the extreme violence of “Game of Thrones,” but without the profanity and explicit sexual content. As a feature-length film, it would be the first installment in a trilogy of films: “Before the Throne,” “On the Throne,” and “After the Throne,” the latter two of which would chronicle David’s reign followed by Solomon’s reign, respectively.