The Kiddush Ladies
Life-long friends Naomi, Miriam, and Becky are approaching middle-age gracefully and are content—despite a few hot flashes and mood swings—until life tosses each woman a crisis and a dusty discovery delivers a potentially lethal blow to their friendship. While two of the women fight to save the relationship, one desires nothing more than its demise.
Short Summary
Middle-age delivers more than hot flashes when Naomi, Becky & Miriam discover a secret that has the power to destroy their friendship.
Pittsburgh, PA
Based on a True Story
Plot - Premise
Plot - Other Elements
Meaningful Message, Twist, Philosophical Questions
Mature Audience Themes
Main Character Details
Name: Naomi Feldman
Age: 49
Gender: Female
Role: Logical
Key Traits: Beautiful, Faithful, Insecure, Leader, Modest, Aspiring, Complex, Educated, Empathetic, Gracious,Modest,Charming,Complex,Sexy,Decisive,Empathetic,Selfless,Engaging,Faithful,Gracious,Educated,Honorable,Insecure,Strong Moral Code,Leader
Additional Character Details
Name: Becky Greenburg
Age: 51
Gender: Female
Role: Antagonist
Key Traits: Aggressive, Blunt, Confident, Outspoken, Unapologetic, Complex, Decisive, Desperate, Educated,Narcisstic,Charming,Complex,Confident,Decisive,Blunt,Desperate,Outspoken,Engaging,Sarcastic,Educated,Sophisticated,Manipulative,Leader,Unapologetic
Additional Character Details
Name: Miriam Weiss
Age: 51
Gender: Female
Role: emotional
Key Traits: Obedient, Selfless, Flexible, Gracious, Insecure, Naive, Empathetic, Faithful, Honorable,Aspiring,Modest,Charming,Desperate,Selfless,Engaging,Empathetic,Faithful,Gracious,Honorable,Educated,Strong Moral Code,Insecure,Naive
Additional Character Details
Name: Aaron Brenner
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Role: mentor
Key Traits: