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1980s & '90s

Terry Vulcano

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This is a collection of stories of events and situations that might be called adventures or misadventures of the author as he worked with groups in western Belize to establish economic development projects. Some of the stories were about the groups; some about situations; some about travels in Belize and to Guatemala and Mexico and some about living situations including wild animal encounters.


Action, Adventure, Biographical, Comedy,Travel

Short Summary

It is biographical of encounters, adventures and situations experienced while assisting with local economic development projects.


Belize, Gautemala, Yucatan Penisula

Based on a True Story


Plot - Premise

Voyage and Return

Plot - Other Elements

Meaningful Message, Philosophical Questions

Mature Audience Themes


Main Character Details

Name: Terry Vulcano

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Role: Mentor

Key Traits: Lone Wolf, Blunt, Complex, Confident, Funny, Outspoken, Honorable, Leader, Strong Moral Code, Adventurous, Clumsy, Decisive, Engaging, Unapologetic, Heroic, Perseverance, Aspiring, Educated, Empathetic, Naive

Additional Character Details

Name: There are the people I worked with; there are people I encountered; there are the children I shared a house where I rented a room - there was Okie (3) Aimee (5) and Jason (7)

Age: 3

Gender: Female

Role: Emotional

Key Traits: Uneducated, Beautiful, Flexible, Perseverance, Decisive, Engaging, Funny, Heroic, Lone Wolf, Adventurous, Aspiring, Charming, Outspoken

Additional Character Details

Name: lots of other characters

Age: 44

Gender: Male

Role: Mentor

Key Traits: Engaging, Skillful, Outspoken, Adventurous, Complex, Educated, Funny, Lone Wolf, Leader, Charming, Empathetic, Heroic, Honorable, Perseverance, Aspiring, Confident, Strong Moral Code, Unapologetic, Visionary

Additional Character Details

Name: lots of other characters - Charlie (Vera Collins)

Age: 46

Gender: Female

Role: Logical

Key Traits: Faithful, Heroic, Outspoken, Adventurous, Aspiring, Confident, Educated, Heartthrob, Leader, Perseverance, Blunt, Complex, Empathetic, Flexible, Sarcastic, Selfless, Charming, Engaging, Honorable, Romantic, Underdog, Beautiful, Decisive, Funny, Skillful

About The Author

Target Audiences

Age: 18-34

Target Gender: Universal

Group Specific

Information not completed

Publishing Details

Status: Yes: self-published

Year Published: 1995

Hard Copy Available



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